Need for a National Plan for the Prevention of Suicide in Spain
Experts and survivors of suicide have demanded the need for a National Plan for the Prevention of Suicide in the Congress of Deputies .
The slogan “Let's make a Plan” was the protagonist in the II Conference on Prevention of Suicidal Behavior held on May 5th in the Congress of Deputies. At the initiative of the Telephone of Hope and with the journalist Iñaki Gabilondo as moderator, the need to establish a specific Plan for Suicide Prevention was claimed. The National Suicide Prevention Platform was represented by Dr. Alejandro de la Torre.
During the session, professionals in the management of suicidal behavior, patients and survivors requested different actions such as the improvement of Primary Care, as well as the quality of Mental Health services. In addition, they emphasized the need to create training plans for professionals on suicide prevention and the planning of actions and awareness-raising events both on social networks and in the media.
Despite the fact that suicide prevention has been included in the 2022-2026 Mental Health Strategy approved this year and the 024-telephone service has been created, which began to provide service on May 10th, a Plan is lacking. National Program for the Prevention of Suicide through which the actions and action plans of the Autonomous Communities are coordinated.
Deferred broadcast of the II Conference on Suicide Prevention